Is the DockATot Really Worth It? Here’s What You Need to Know
Our newborn baby sleeps like a hero.
I have no idea if it’s a second baby thing, a lucky thing or if the DockATot truly is magical, but I’m here with an honest review on the DockATot Deluxe.
It may or may not be responsible for her sleeping through the night. It was a full year before we got that much sleep with our first!
What’s a DockATot?
When I got pregnant with my second, a lot of my mom friends started singing praises about the DockATot. I started to notice bloggers everywhere talking about it but still didn’t quite get it. Isn’t it just an expensive Boppy Lounger? Why would you spend $200 on a baby dock?
The DockATot is one of those products that you have to see and try for yourself to really “get” it. It’s a dock, like a safe place to plop your newborn when you’re moving rooms.
It’s also
Most importantly, it’s a consistent bed for your baby to sleep in. You can use it for bedsharing or in a playpen (supervised, of course). And it’s wildly popular in Europe.
How We Use the DockATot
Right now, since Mila is only a few weeks old, we primarily use the DockATot for her to sleep in. If I need a shower, I just move the DockATot into the bathroom. And when I’m downstairs, I’ll usually bring the DockATot and stick it in her playpen.
When she’s older, we’ll use it for playtime since I also have the DockATot toy arch and toy set.
If you’re thinking about buying the DockATot Deluxe for the newborn stage, I highly, highly recommend getting a spare cover. By the second night, we had some spit up to clean up and I was so glad to have a new cover to put on immediately. They’re machine washable but no one wants to be doing laundry in the middle of the night. We have a Pristine White DockATot and a spare cover in Strawberry Cream (currently on sale for half off!). They’re in the wash at least twice a week!
DockATot Pros and Cons
The biggest con about the DockATot is probably the price: They start at $165 which seems pretty pricey for something you only use a few months. The accessories are expensive as well.
Also, many babies outgrow the DockATot Deluxe pretty quickly. It can be used from 0-8 months or 22 pounds and you can unbuckle the bottom for more room. After that, you’d have to purchase the DockATot Grand which is made for toddlers up to 36 months. (The DockATot Grand is not recommended for newborn stage)
That being said, aside from
I remember when we sprung for the 4Moms Mamaroo swing for our first baby, and we’ve barely used it with either child. This, on the other hand, we use almost 24/7.
RELATED: Second-Baby Must-Haves
There are a lot of baby nests on the market, but I love how the DockATot creates a womb-like feeling so baby feels hugged, and the bumpers are comfortable and breathable. They also have travel bags so you can easily take it with you on the go.
If you’re unsure what to buy, my suggestion would be the DockATot in Pristine White and one cover, you can always add additional accessories later. (For even more baby must-haves, check out this post.)
Do you have a DockATot or plan on getting one? How do you use it?
Disclosure: I was gifted product in exchange for a DockATot review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Photos: Andi Marie Photography
Thank you so much for sharing your honest review of the DockATot! As a new mom, I’ve been considering purchasing one, but wasn’t sure if it was worth the investment. Your breakdown of the pros and cons was super helpful in giving me a better sense of what to expect. I think I’m more inclined to try it out now, especially since it seems like it can be a game-changer for soothing and sleeping.