DA: 52
81% Female
50% Ages 25-44
4m35s Avg. session duration
With a strong Domain Authority and more than 60% organic traffic, blog posts are an excellent opportunity for long-term exposure and evergreen content placements.
Ask about Google Web Stories, a new opportunity! A recent partner garnered 73,000 impressions + 6%CTR!
10 Million+ Monthly Viewers
50K Saves
62K Outbound Clicks
88.2% Female
36% Ages 25-34
- 14,000 Avg. Monthly Views
- 3,485 Subscribers
- 12.6K Unique Viewers per Month
- 35.5% ages 25-34
- 34.2% ages 35-44
- 84% Female
- 51% U.S.
YouTube is in its infancy and seeing excellent growth and a high number of hours viewed per month. It’s an excellent opportunity for early partnership features!
55% U.S. Audience
60% Ages 25-44
92% Women
8.1% Phoenix/Scottsdale
With Instagram’s ever changing algorithm, campaigns work best with allocated ad budget to target a specific audience! This account also has a high Arizona-based audience.
35% ages 35-44
90% Women
20% Arizona
Facebook sees above average engagement for family-type content. It’s also a great opportunity to target an Arizona/California audience.
3,400+ Subscribers
30-40% Open Rate
2-3% Avg. CTR
Email newsletter goes out weekly. Ask about sponsored placements and dedicated email opportunities!